For my Genius Hour project, I decided to make a paper mache hammerhead shark. One of the reasons I did this is because I have never done paper mache before, and I believe it will be an exciting learning experience. Another reason I chose this project is because I want to become a marine biologist, so a shark, or other water dweller, would be perfect for me. So far, I have begun the research on how to do a paper mache model. I have also started researching physical details on my shark, so I know how it should turn out in the end. To do my project, I will need to know the texture of the skin, the shape of the body, and how to apply them all to a small model.
That is pretty cool, Brendon. You are doing a good job.
Brendon, I really liked your genius hour project. I think your project will be a success because that seems pretty cool and everybody will probably like it